Wednesday, January 25, 2012



Brainstorming an I-Search topic reaction

Every person processes information and experiences creativity differently. Developing a plan of attack for an I-Search topic is one such example.  One method is to brainstorm a variety of possible topics by listing individual words as they come to mind, looking for a pattern to develop, then focusing on the details (in the form of questions)  of what might be included in the final I-search.  This is a valid and useful way to get creative juices flowing, opening the mind to hidden possibilities.  Though, personally, I tend to think in more broad and varied terms to help me decide what subject I would like to explore, allowing them to mull for a time within my brain, mixing with my life’s experiences and curiosities, seeing what eventually emerges, then refining them as to the exact details of a particular topic that I might want to explore.  Questions may never consciously come to mind, but answers will eventually be discovered in the process.  Who is to say that one method is better than another?  Each of us is unique, which is part of what makes life so interesting.  And so, while I may never use your exact method, it definitely has merit and parts may be incorporated into my own method as I progress with this course.


  1. You're right, of course--the method in this case is far less important than the payoff of a good topic. I don't really care how you get to the goal, but just offer the list style brainstorm as one possibility.

  2. Kill word verification. You can't see it, but anyone who comes to post comments (me!) gets all screwed up dealing with it.

    Here's how:

    1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard. If you have upgraded to the new interface, switch back to the old one. Look for the option of "Old blogger interface."
    2. Navigate to your blog’s Settings. Click on Comments.
    3. Scroll down to where it says “Show word verification for comments?”
    4. Select NO and save your changes.
    5. Change back to new interface if you want.

  3. Rita's Digest! I just got it! Duh on me!
