GRAF #11 - Real Life Research
GRAF #11
Real Life Research
I am a natural-born student. My older siblings taught me to read before I began Kindergarten, and the library was one of my favorite places to visit. As I grew older, unlike other children, I preferred books about real things, though I also enjoyed fiction. Field guides and how-to books weren’t so popular then, and were especially difficult to find in a big city, but I devoured books describing the different kinds of trees, flowers, birds, and animals around me. This desire to learn has remained with me throughout the years. When I grew up and left home to begin my new life, I didn’t know anything about living on the land, and so had to research everything. Most of the things I’ve done and learned since leaving home, I’ve learned from books and later also from the internet. I’ve learned about organic gardening, growing and preserving my own food, planting and maintaining an orchard, raising and breeding livestock and pets, homebirths and homeschooling, health and safety, carpentry, sheet rocking, electrical wiring, butchering, making maple syrup, caring for the elderly, nutrition, the Bible and biblical topics, history, etc., etc, etc. I’ve done research on cars, schooling, colleges, careers, shelves, dogs, horses, rental units, health problems, product comparisons, and much more. I could go on and on and on. In fact, now that I think of it, I can’t even imagine life without books, learning, and research. Personally, I hope to continue researching and learning until the day I die, and I only wish others could also learn to enjoy learning as much as I do.